Tuesday, 30 December 2014

What is technology??? 

           Technology a word that we use in our daily life .... often we relate technology with computers but it is  not only for computers ... technology is an idea to perform a task more fast and with more accuracy ...... A task could be any thing like
> creating a program
> Designing a Machine
> pulling Water out of well and many more
 now you will be thinking how can pulling water out of well can be related to technology :).....don't laugh i will  explain it .......


As we know in old times  people  get there drinking water from WELL ..they use a rope  tie bucket with its and throw it in the well and when bucket is full they pull the rope out of  well and get water...but  it was difficult to pull water from well for a child whose weight is equal to bucket full with water ...if a child try to pull a bucket of water  from well  what will happen ????think /////?????
 ..yaa u r right he can fell in Well... so to overcome this what could be done ...they invented

                                            PULLEY( a circular wheel)..

.by using pulley it was more easier to pull the bucket from well less power required and more water we could get from well easily .using a pulley was a Technology an,an idea to reduce RISK,, to consume LESS POWER ,MORE output ...

.with advancement of technology we get  electric pumps, motors and many more electric devices which can pull water out of EARTH OR WELL...
 every time we use an idea  to make our daily life more easier is an part of technology ... So no need to learn tough definitions from wiki .....define technology in your own words...use technology to make your life easier and happy .....Next time  i will discuss about History of computer generation and its evaluation